Monday, September 12, 2011

Whew!  What a crazy couple of days it has been.  Josh has had some good days and some bad.  We had a good weekend with only one accident...but he pooped his pants today.  I have a good idea of what Buzz Lightyear would look like if he were African American.  :-/

I did catch him mid-victory run after another poop in the potty.  Enjoy Josh in all his Joshyness!

JOSHY STARTED PRESCHOOL!  So far, so good.  No tears--just a lot of fun!  Here's a picture of him on his first day.

When asked what was on his shirt, he replied, "A train track!"  He refused to believe it was a guitar!!!

Today was a WHIRLWIND of activities.  We were a bit rushed this morning (I never thought I'd say that after having to get two boys dressed, fed, teeth brushed, and out of the house by 6:30!).  We dropped Tim off at school, ran to the grocery store (but I had to nurse Daniel in the parking lot of Bloom first--I got lot's of "Mamacita" yells from the landscapers), came home, unpacked groceries, I nursed Daniel again, we headed to the post office, did a quick Mary Kay drop off, ran to WalMart for more canning supplies, hit up the library, came home, nursed Daniel again (he's a big boy), got Joshy settled, and went in for my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 3.  Then, it was time to pick Tim up from school and get started on my pickled asparagus and watermelon rind.  Oh yeah...can't forget about dinner.  Thank goodness I have Apple Juice Chicken in the freezer (so all I need to make is rice and veggies).

You may be surprised that I'm canning.  Well, if I'm going to stay at home, I might as well become super domestic.  I like the term domestic goddess.  Kinda has a nice ring to it.  Anyway, here are pics of my current projects.  I will update you as the come along and include reports on how tasty (or yucky) they are.
Yup--here I am in all my domestic loveliness. 

And here are the projects I'm currently working on:

Pickled Asparagus

Pickled Watermelon Rind (notice the waste is minimal!)

 Joshy and I also worked on a project today consisting of what is HEALTHY and what is NOT HEALTHY.  He refused to say that ice cream and corn dogs were NOT HEALTHY. 

And Daniel and Tim had to get in on the action as well!  :-)


  1. I love it girl! you are easing into stay at home mommy world so easily!!!

  2. I don't know about easily, but I'm keeping my head above water and lovin it :-)
