Monday, October 10, 2011

Coupons, BITCH! I'm sure you already know, I can be fact, I'm probably crass 99.9% of the time.  I'd like to think I'm a good mix between June Cleaver and Roseanne...but I don't know how accurate that is.

I've always been an all or nothing kinda this whole, "let's stay home and be a homemaker" thing has turned into me going full throttle for the stay-at-home-mom life.  Not only do I clean house and chauffer the boys to the places they need to go--I can various fruits and vegetables, make lots of yummy home-cooked meals, and now...I COUPON.
Here's a picture of my couponing binder  Don't leave home without it!

I started couponing about three weeks ago.  Since then, I've saved about $200.  Yes--$200!!!!  My grocery bills NEVER used to be under $100.  Now, they're about $70 each visit and my fridge and pantry have never been more full.  Can you believe it?

I am proud to say that my trip to CVS should have cost $120...but it only cost me $60!  I was so excited that I texted one of my friends and said, "I just saved 50% at CVS...COUPONS, BITCH!"  He replied that I would be the only one to use the phrase "COUPONS, BITCH" (hence the title of this post).
My savings today: $30.08!
I must end with saying that it has been hard to get back to "normal."  I don't think things will ever go back to being "normal" since Pop Pop so quickly left our lives.  I'm trying to take things day-by-day, but I'm not sleeping well and I constantly worrying about my mother-in-law, husband, children, and brothers-in-law.  Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us, sent letters, notes, etc.  It really helps to know that we have a support group there for us.  :-)  Love to all of you!!!!

These three boys are so fun and adorable--I'm certainly trying to make things as "normal" as possilble for them.  We've been enjoying our daily adventures of grocery shopping, cooking, and picking up Timmy from school.  Josh is always our comic relief.  The other day, after his bath, he stuck his hiney up in the air and said, "Tickle my tail!"  :-)

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